^^ Completed this Care Package so wanted to post as a visual example of what a Care Package will look like. This one is for someone who lives close enough where I will be able to drive to them to deliver it myself (so the box is larger than they will be for any that need to be shipped). Here are some smaller boxes that will be a more realistic size for the Care Packages that need to be shipped (Care Packages may vary in size depending on shipping costs):

We are also not able to ship internationally at this time due to cost. Items are also subject to availability and each Care Package has unique items at this time.
Also, the nonprofit is operating on limited funds at this time as well so only limited requests for FREE Christian Care Packages can be accepted right now. These Care Packages are intended to be sent to people that could use HOPE/encouragement and that may not have the financial means to purchase items.
Care Package to Ukraine
A local company nearby is serving as a drop-off location for donation items to Ukraine this next week so I'm starting to put together both faith items such as prayer cards as well as practical items (clothes, formula, medicine) to drop off:
Praying for Ukraine!!!