One day at a time, it's easier said than done.
My whole life I have had multiple chronic health issues but not until this year, it's gotten more complicated.
One Day at a Time
As I'm trying to learn what myself and my body needs it can be very challenging.
This year after having Covid for the first time November 2022, I started having symptoms, that started making more sense. I was trying to self advocate for myself because I knew there was something else going on.
After getting referred 3 times, they finally believed me, this was the first step of getting an answer. My doctor has set me up with 4 different tests to see how I can make it better. My doctor not realizing I can barely hold a full time job!
So I pushed to get a referral to the Pain Rehabilitation Center in Rochester MN, as this is the only thing giving me hope for my life to be back in control.
Why do I say One day at a Time, because this is all you can do. You have to take One day at a time, because One Day it will turn into a praise, that you have been waiting for!
My praise is I got in!!! God is So good. Keep praying as He will make it work for you. Your Path may not be straight but in the end we always learn How Strong 💪 we are!
My advice for you is:
Instead of trying to just wait, take One day at a Time. It will be hard but One day, it will turn into a Praise!
Being grateful can be really hard when your struggling with multiple things, but I encourage you to see something your grateful for on a good day 😊
Next for all my peeps who are fighting a Chronic Illness or struggling to feel heard or understood, I want you to KEEP FIGHTING, I know it can be very overwhelming and exhausting, but One Day someone will HEAR YOU! It may not be today, or a month from now, but One Day YOU will get the reassurance and the care you need to keep going.