This Memorial Day weekend, I’ve spent some time in gratitude for all of the men and women that have given their lives to protect our freedom.
I think we so often take our everyday freedoms for granted and so it’s good to pause in remembrance of all of those that made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could be free 🇺🇸❤️🙏
I’ve also been thinking a lot more about both of my grandfathers who both served our country . And it’s amazing- the more you spend time remembering loved ones that are no longer with us, the more they seem to send you signs from heaven that they still are ❤️ 😇
My grandfather was a Korean War veteran. And of all places to receive a request for free, encouraging Care Packages - I received a request (@ graceinlove.org) from a U.S. Army Battalion stationed in South Korea.
I responded to let them know that Grace in Love, inc. is a smaller nonprofit and not usually able to ship internationally- but that I would try to work on fundraising efforts to make it happen. And now thanks to a very generous donation that came through this weekend, I’ll be able to fulfill this request! 🙏❤️🇺🇸
I plan to get this special shipment together for our troops by Friday June 2. If you’d like to help in anyway just let me know! I plan to include items with positive messages/ encouragement as well as they’ve requested simple snacks, puzzles, & toiletries.
❤️ Grace in Love, inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity and your donation is tax deductible.
🙏 ❤️ thank you!
PS- the song I’m singing in this video is “Midnight in Montgomery” by Alan Jackson which always reminds me of my other grandpa! His birthday is on June 2nd so these Care Packages to the troops will also be in memory of him also 😇❤️🙏🇺🇸