I always thought that would be a hilarious blog title to this post where I announce that the newly edited version of the book I wrote-
“Grace in Love: Experiencing the Transformational Change of God’s Grace” (A Guidebook) -[ click this link to order on Amazon ] is available now! It’s funny (to me at least) because I corrected a part in the book where I quote a Dave Ramsey quote but accidentally said that it was Rick Warren. But I thought how funny to imply that Rick Warren would actually read either this blog or the book. (I’m sorry in advance if you don’t like my sense of humor LOL)
But anyways! I’ve made a few edits to this version that my publisher has been so kind to fix… if you know the story behind the book, I actually wrote it in 2020 during the Covid pandemic. I clicked “submit” to my publisher the first time around on my grandpa’s birthday 8.5.21 and then they were so very patient with me through the editing process and then deciding that I wanted to add the Introduction at basically the very last minute which pushed back the book release date again…
And now, this new updated version is officially available 😀
Speaking of the book Introduction though, check out this video that I posted social media reading the Introduction out loud : Click this link for TikTok

Here is the caption for the video also:
I wrote this book for the lost girl I used to be. If sharing my story helps to bring ✨HOPE✨ to at least one person, then it was worth it.
Jesus saved me and gave me ✨LIFE✨. Not just eternal life in heaven (which should be enough in itself but is often difficult for us to grasp), but He came so that I could have life in abundance ✨RIGHT NOW✨.
Yes, at 24 years old, I FINALLY figured that part out. And I was SO grateful. I had been through SO much. I had been walking through the valley of the shadow of death. And then He called my name, and I ran out of that grave.
-📖 Grace in Love: Experiencing the Transformational Change of God’s Grace (A Guidebook) by Amy Lisek
PS- ✨ Thank You ✨ to the amazing pastor at the church I attended in 2012 for preaching the gospel message in a way that finally spoke to me. I will be forever grateful as I might not literally be here today if it wasn’t for you.
Lastly, for anyone reading this because you became a follower of the blog after receiving a free, encouraging Care Package- please know that I’m still taking your prayer requests to the feet of Jesus (literally as I’ll be taking pages of prayer requests with me to Eucharistic Adoration at church tomorrow ❤️🙏). I’m also working very hard on fundraising so that I can get back to sending out more Free encouragement to the people that reach out at our website. I’m so grateful to have been able to ship ✨hundreds✨ of Free Care Packages across the country so far. The website has gotten out there so much on Google and what not that I was receiving DAILY requests which is amazing but also requires more funding. Most of you may not know that no one gets paid to run this nonprofit. I am the Founder and Board President which means I volunteer my time because it’s a start-up and I founded it. A “CEO” of a nonprofit means that you get paid and are an employee of the nonprofit. I have not gotten paid to date for any of this. I’ve volunteered my time and money because I said ✨YES✨ to God.
We’ve earned a ✨Platinum ✨🎉 Seal of Transparency from GuideStar due to being very transparent with our nonprofit and sharing our nonprofit financials and information, etc. All of the revenue from the book sales thus far has gone directly back into funding the nonprofit.
I share all of this because I realized that not everyone understands how a 501(c)(3) works. Some people might falsely assume that you found a nonprofit organization that money magically drops from the sky or the government automatically gives you money or you get a big tax refund or something. That is all completely false. I’ve put 4.5 years and thousands of my own dollars into this nonprofit that I earned from working very hard at my 9-5 job in social work. I worked so hard at my day job that I was promoted twice and earned bonuses each year that helped fund this charity nonprofit to help others. However, after over a decade of working in the field of helping to support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, I had to say “goodbye” to my full-time job as a supervisor in July 2024 in order to focus more on our family and 3 small kids.
It’s all God’s timing and meant to be but I share all of this to be completely transparent. I started this nonprofit and wrote the book because of what I share in the Introduction of the book. I was once in a very dark and broken place. My heart is truly to help others. To spread hope and encouragement. That will be my mission always.
I’m working hard on trying to secure grants and donations but in the meantime I have had to hit “pause” on accepting new requests. In the meantime, if you agree with the mission of spreading hope and encouragement to people going through difficult times, please consider sharing our website (graceinlove.org) with anyone that might be interested or able to support in anyway (either financially to help cover shipping costs or In-Kind donations of items for the care packages. There are also more ways to support listed on the “Support” page also).
As always, thank you for reading and for your support and love. My love and prayers will always be with you.
God bless ❤️💞🙏,
