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10.2.2021 Only Jesus Tour

Writer's picture: amylynnlisekamylynnlisek

Updated: Oct 8, 2021

Wow... just WOW. I feel so incredibly blessed to have seen Matthew West and Casting Crowns last Saturday on the "Only Jesus" Tour. Seeing either one of these artists/bands alone would have been remarkable- but together they make for one unforgettable experience. And if you're wondering why I'd use the word "experience"- well, when it comes to worship music- it's always MORE than just a performance. It's a full experience where you truly get to encounter God. Keep reading to find out what I mean...

I drove down to Bourbonnais (again, in the rain) to meet Colleen before the show. We intended to grab a bite to eat at Brickstone Brewery but apparently that's "the place to be" in Bourbonnais and we didn't have time to wait - so we went across the street to Taco John's instead. And I gotta tell ya, I'm still not sure why we were the only people there because the food was outstanding. Plus, they serve Cold Brew coffee all day long which is my kind of place. Tacos & Coffee? Win, win.

Anyways, I'm sorry - you SO did not click on this blog post to read about the tacos in Bourbonnais, IL.

We got to Olivet Nazarene University and again, I was so very grateful that we had outstanding seats:

SHINE FM did an OUTSTANDING job helping with this event. PS- I love any/all Christian radio stations (local - K-LOVE, Air1)!

^^ We also made sure to buy some merch!!
I got Matthew West's "Hello My Name Is" book (check it out HERE along with his other books!) which came as a bundle with the CD "Hello, My Name Is: Greatest Hits".
I also got a cool Casting Crowns bag (check it out HERE).

(PS- it has Acts 20:24 on it which I love: "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me- the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace.")

PS- I mostly wanted to get this stuff for YOU. Yes, YOU! LOL. Anyone that's out there that would like it for FREE! It's posted on the "TOOLS" page this week as a FREE giveaway. I'm not sure if you know this about me yet, but years ago there was a time in my life when I couldn't afford to buy Christian books/ CD's. I had to rent everything from the library because it just wasn't in my budget. So maybe that's why I'm so passionate about doing these giveaways now....

Anyways, Colleen got THIS Casting Crowns zip-up hoodie. I noticed a lot of other people getting the same one! It's nice because it's lightweight and something you can just throw on. I should have gotten a picture of her in it (now I know for next time)! I also should have recorded my interview with Colleen while we were standing in line (Face Palm). But here is how it went:
Me: So, Colleen - how many times have you seen Matthew West in concert?
Colleen: (Laugh out Loud) I think it's too many to count.... (Thinks about it) Maybe in the 50's?
Me: (In Shock) Are you serious? That's insane! Colleen: Yeah... my mom thinks I've seen him about 80 times now.

First of all, I just want to give a huge SHOUT OUT & say THANK YOU to Matthew West for STILL playing this show even though he did not have his band due to covid. How admirable that he STILL played the show when some artists may have just cancelled all together?! He just went out there with his acoustic geetar, the Holy Spirit, and some really good jokes. And everyone LOVED it!!!

Everyone was cracking up at the totally relatable song he wrote last year- "Quarantine Life". If you could use a good laugh, watch the video HERE! (OMG it cracks me up when he wipes the dog! Haha).

Matthew West is freaking funny, man! He was joking about how cool it is that he wrote the word "DeLorean" into a song LOL-

"See I refuse to be a should a would a could a been I can't go back in time I don't have a DeLorean" - Matthew West (song: "What If")

^^ Back to the Future is my husband's favorite movie so I laughed pretty hard at that one!

In all seriousness though, Matthew West's music has had a HUGE impact on my life. Words cannot even describe how special his music has been to me over the last 9 years. Just song after song after song of greatness and inspiration. I would almost describe his songs as the SOUNDTRACK to my life. If you are reading this and SOMEHOW have not discovered the amazingness that is Matthew West's music - PLEASE stop what you are doing right now and listen to "Hello My Name Is", "Grace Wins", and "Broken Things" (just my personal faves).

And one last thing, for the FOURTH time in his career- Matthew West was recently named ASCAP Christian Songwriter of the Year (just to add to MANY other awards won! Read his bio HERE)

Congratulations, Matthew, on an incredible accomplishment!!!

So just like what happened when I saw We The Kingdom last month, I had absolutely NO idea how much I LOVED Casting Crowns until I saw them perform live. I listen to them on Christian radio and I've always loved their songs. But again, seeing them live - I am now a SUPER FAN for life. Again, I think it has to do with the ENERGY that they brought into the room and also the EXPERIENCE of it all. Not to go too much into detail, but you need to realize that a lot can come up during WORSHIP. Remember, it's connecting your heart with God in an absolutely beautiful way. It's feeling the PRESENCE of the Holy Spirit come into the room. And it's HEALING for your SOUL. That's what I mean by an EXPERIENCE. And before I talk about my personal experience at the show- I want to start off by saying how INCREDIBLE this band is and what very, very talented musicians they are. First off, Mark Hall formed this band all the way back in 1999. Yeah, I did the math - that's 22 years ago!!

Congratulations, Casting Crowns, on having lasting success and touching SO many lives with your incredible music for over TWO DECADES now!

And I know it's not all about awards but they won a Grammy for their album Lifesong; and their album Until the Whole World Hears set a new record for the highest Christian album debut in history when it was released.

And WOW, I just came across Mark Hall's testimony- and not only is it VERY powerful and extremely relatable but he is freaking hilarious, too- Watch it now HERE. "Well I went back to school the next day. And I went back the next day and the next day. And six years later I graduated (four year college) Algebra was my favorite class (I took it three times) Teacher & I are really close after a while ya know? She still calls." - Mark Hall

Did you watch it? I'm serious. Trust me, you're going to want to watch it ALL the way to the end. It's absolutely F-ing beautiful. (And I try not to swear but sometimes things just need to be emphasized to THAT level).

Anyways, I know this blog post is getting VERY long so thank you for anyone who reads this whole thing. First I'm going to tell you how amazing Casting Crowns was on Saturday and then I'll end by sharing my experience.

You just gotta LOVE their sound. I mean come on, who doesn't love electric guitar AND violin together in the same band!? That kind of sound just makes my ears happy. I don't want to "give away" their setlist but it's jam-packed with all of their hits as well as beautiful worship songs thrown in the mix. Megan Garrett is now one of my favorites also!! She has got some serious SOUL to her voice!!! At one point, she reminded the audience that it's not all about a "performance". It's about encountering the living God in worship. And I absolutely felt the overwhelming Presence of the Holy Spirit fill the room. It's in those moments, where you get a glimpse of what heaven will be like. When we are filled with the PEACE of His holy Presence and all sing and praise God in perfect unison and harmony.

But for now, we are living in this imperfect world which is unfortunately full of trials and tribulations. And this is where I'll share my experience on Saturday:

I'm going through a trial. Honestly, aren't we all? But this trial has been pretty painful to my heart for some time now. And something random happened to trigger a rather painful memory on Saturday. Nothing related to the music whatsoever. But I was feeling all the things right around intermission. So I told Colleen that I needed to get some fresh air and I headed outside to take a breather (plus- it's literally a "breather" when you are wearing a mask and get to take it off outside for some fresh air). However, I got outside and it was raining. And there wasn't anywhere near where I was with covering overhead. So I decided to walk to my car for a minute since I didn't park too far away.

So there I went, walking to my car in the rain. No umbrella. Very dramatic-like.

All of these afore-mentioned emotions were hitting me. I was thinking about this painful trial I've been going through.

And I got to my car and decided to search on the radio for a song. I flipped through the stations and landed on K-LOVE. And what song was playing?

Casting Crowns- "Scars in Heaven":

"I know the road you walked was anything but easy

You picked up your share of scars along the way

Oh, but now you're standing in the sun, you've fought your fight and your race is run

The pain is all a million miles away

The only scars in heaven, they won't belong to me and you

There'll be no such thing as broken, and all the old will be made new

And the thought that makes me smile now, even as the tears fall down

Is that the only scars in heaven, yeah, are on the hands that hold you now"

- Casting Crowns "Scars in Heaven"

Now I've heard this song before- but the lyrics never quite hit me like they did this time. Yes, the song is about grief and loss of someone you love. But it resonated with me also as a message of in general saying that no matter what pain we may have in this life - it is only temporary- and He will wipe all of our tears away in heaven (Revelation 21:4). And I cried. I cried because of the pure HURT that I felt from this trial. But you know what, it almost felt like a THERAPEUTIC kind of cry. Like I "needed" to get it out. To express how my heart and soul felt. And so, I had my cry in the car. To the Casting Crowns song on the radio.

And I found out that this song is resonating deeply with SO many other people right now. When it debuted this year, it broke a record for most-streamed Christian song in the first day on Amazon Music.

It's a very powerful song and I'm so grateful that it's helping so many people during these very difficult times.

And then I headed back into the actual concert and I thought my therapeutic session was over... But oh, no. Like I said -

Worship stirs up spiritual and emotional parts of you that you may not have even been aware of. When your heart & soul are connected to God - it is the ultimate HEALING.

So yeah, I wasn't exactly ready when they played "Oh My Soul" for the lyrics that then just HIT me- and the complete HEALING that I felt through these lyrics that spoke RIGHT to my heart & soul (and yes, I cried more- but again, it was a very therapeutic moment). And this post is WAY too long so this is a perfect way to end this - by leaving you with the lyrics that I pray resonate with you also:

"Oh, my soul

Oh, how you worry

Oh, how you're weary, from fearing you lost control

This was the one thing, you didn't see coming

And no one would blame you, though

If you cried in private

If you tried to hide it away, so no one knows

No one will see, if you stop believing

Oh, my soul

You are not alone

There's a place where fear has to face the God you know

One more day, He will make a way

Let Him show you how, you can lay this down

'Cause you're not alone

Here and now

You can be honest

I won't try to promise that someday it all works out

'Cause this is the valley

And even now, He is breathing on your dry bones

And there will be dancing

There will be beauty where beauty was ash and stone

This much I know

Oh, my soul

You are not alone

There's a place where fear has to face the God you know

One more day, He will make a way

Let Him show you how, you can lay this down

I'm not strong enough, I can't take anymore

(You can lay it down, you can lay it down)

And my shipwrecked faith will never get me to shore

(You can lay it down, you can lay it down)

Can He find me here

Can He keep me from going under

Oh, my soul

You're not alone

There's a place where fear has to face the God you know

One more day, He will make a way

Let Him show you how, you can lay this down

'Cause you're not alone

Oh, my soul, you're not alone"

- Casting Crowns (Oh my soul)

Thank you Matthew West & Casting Crowns!!


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