Woo! My soul is honestly still on fire from this show. And it was only fitting that it took place @ Life Changers Church (Hoffman Estates, IL) because honestly that's how I would describe what went down.
Go Promoters did such an outstanding job with this event also. Doug, you are the man!!
Colleen & I made the drive up to Hoffman Estates in the rain & rush hour but it was %1000 worth it. We were so thankful to have great seats for the Q&A session with Zach Williams.
A lot of the discussion focused around Zach's powerful testimony which you can read about here.
So many people in the audience shared how his music helped bring them HOPE in some very difficult times. Stories were told of going through recovery, losing loved ones, and even being in prison. And how Zach Williams' music brought peace to their souls in the midst of some very dark times. How AMAZING is that!?! Also, if you haven't checked out Zach Williams: Live from Harding Prison- check it out here.
There were so many questions that I didn't get to ask mine... but what I REALLY wanted to know was-
Hey, Zach Williams, how'd ya get so much SOUL into your voice, brotha!? :-)
Seriously though, I think the pure authenticity and soul in Zach's voice is what resonates with SO MANY people. He has that kind of voice that can just cut right through to your heart & soul. God bless you, Zach, for bringing SO MANY people to know Jesus!!!
Side note: One very cool thing that happened during the Q&A session was also how I got to meet Jacob. He was the last person who asked a question. He was sitting up near the front with his parents. He has Down Syndrome and is an absolute ROCK STAR. I'm a social worker for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities and this has been God's calling on my life. And wouldn't you know- because God is just THAT AWESOME- after the Q&A session, Jacob and his parents came and sat RIGHT NEXT TO ME for the concert. His mom shared a very powerful story with me about her incredible ADVOCACY efforts for her son. It was so inspiring that I asked her if I could interview them about their story and she said, "Absolutely". So stay tuned for that, ya'll!!
Okay, back to the show... the first opening band was:

Okay, can I just say that I absolutely love the level of POSITIVE, JOYFUL energy that they just completely radiate?! It's out of this world! I think we may need to be best friends. Just sayin.
I'm obsessed with "Yes He Can" & "Rise Up". The video for "Yes He Can" is %1000 encouraging and you need to watch it.... now.
Plus they are ridiculously stylish and had amazing matching cheetah-print outfits on. So... bonus points for that, haha.
Fantastic performance ladies & gent!
Oh yeah, did I mention it was a completely SOLD OUT show!?
The next band also completely brought the FIRE and insane energy:

(^^ Notice I added the FIRE on the bottom there because they were literally on fire....)
Honestly, I had heard and LOVED their songs- but had no idea how much I freaking LOVE this band until I just saw them live. That's one of the coolest things about getting out to concerts- it's such an epic experience with insane ENERGY that just fills the room.
I told Colleen that We The Kingdom reminded me of The Black Crowes and she said, "Who?" LOL. So then I had to sing her the "She Talks to Angels" song and she was like ohhhh (haha). But like the Black Crowes would say, We The Kingdom sure knows how to do some "Soul Singing"! Watching them perform was like realizing that my kindred spirits were out there all along living in the world and I just never knew it...
This band has some serious talent and true passion.

(^^ YES he is standing on TOP of a piano. And YES he jumped off into the air and landed perfectly. If that isn't true PASSION, I don't know what is)...
Let me just tell you, that I heard both "Holy Water" & "Child of Love" on the radio today as I was driving and I turned up that radio VERY loud and jammed like I've never jammed before. LOL- seriously though, We The Kingdom - you've gained a new SUPER FAN here!
BRAVO, you are soul-singin' rock stars & it was an electrifying performance.
And last but certainly not least...

All I can say is that is one B.A. way to come onstage. And when you have an Intro like THAT, you KNOW the whole show is going to be killer. Zach Williams and his band blew everyone away with song after song of greatness. Everyone was on their feet for basically the entire show as they played hit after hit. It's hard to even say what the "Fan Favorites" were because I'm pretty sure everyone just loved every. single. song.
Of course, everyone LOVED "There was Jesus"- and even though Dolly Parton wasn't there, it was very cool to hear Zach talk about how amazing she was to work with when recording the song. I don't want to give away any "spoiler alerts" but someone else fills in for Dolly during the show and she does an OUTSTANDING job.
I do have to share my favorite part of the show though- which was definitely the last song "Face To Face". Everyone came out to sing for that last one and honestly, I can't even begin to put into words how absolutely beautiful it was. Yes, I cried. I have a clip of the performance that I was going to share but you know what, I think some moments are just too special. It just wouldn't even do it justice because video can't even capture what happened onstage.
I'm speechless. Just amazing.
Thank you all!!!
PS- Next week we're "on the road again"... more music-blogging to come, get your hearts ready for it!
